Access Process

Applying for Data and/or Biosample Access:

Step 2

Submit Letter of Support Form, if needed

Step 3

Secure funding

Step 4

Submit Data and Biosample Application Form, along with required documents*

Step 5

Data Access Committee reviews application(s)

Step 6

If the application is approved, the BCGP will notify the approved user and a Data and Biosample Access Agreement will need to be signed.

*Approval letter from the Research Ethics Board (REB) and REB-approved research protocol;  Evidence of scientific peer-review of research protocol, if available; 2-page CV of Principal Applicant.

Getting Started

Before submitting a request, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the BC Generations Project (BCGP) Data and Biosample Access Policy, Summary Data Tables, and our Questionnaire Information.  Eligibility for data and/or biosample access is restricted to Canadian and international researchers, based in public or private institutions, conducting scientific , health-related researcher.  

Researchers are also strongly encouraged to review our Approved Research Projects and Publications to ensure there are no similar projects.  

If BCGP data fits your research question, we are happy to provide a letter of support for funding.  Please complete a Letter of Support Form to confirm that we have the data you need.  

A member of the BCGP’s investigator team, will need to be identified as a co-investigator.  This ensures the purpose of BCGP is met and fulfills the requirement for the chain of accountability:

  1. Ensure the data is being used and interpreted appropriately;
  2. Ensure confidentiality provisions are followed. 

In addition, a BCGP staff member will be required for biosample access to oversee that the Principal Applicant complies with the obligations relating to biosamples.  Please check the website for a list of BCGP researchers. If you need assistance with identifying a BCGP investigator, this can be accommodated through the Letter of Support form.

Feel free to email with help on identifying a BCGP investigator or any additional questions.