New scientific knowledge is documented and shared through peer-reviewed journal publications and presentations. To date, the BC Generations Project have generated the following:
- Samuels E., Parks J., Chu, J., McDonald T., Spinelli J., Murphy R.A., & Bhatti P. Metabolites Associated with Polygenic Risk of Breast Cancer. Metabolites 14(6),295.
- Parks J, Baghela M., Bhatti P. Examining the influence of built environment on sleep disruption. Environmental Epidemiology. 7(1):p e239. DOI: 10.1097/EE9.000000000000023
- Darvishian M, Moustaqim-Barrette A, Awadalla P, Bhatti P, Broet P, McDonald K, Murphy RA, Skead K, Urquhart R, Vena J, & Dummer TJB. Provincial variation in colorectal cancer screening adherence in Canada; evidence from the Canadian Partnership for Tomorrow’s Health. Front. Oncol. 13:1113907. doi: 10.3389/fonc.2023.1113907.
- Biziaev, T., Aktary, M.L., Wang, Q., Chekouo, T., Bhatti, P., Shack, L., Robson, P.J., & Kopciuk, K.A. Development and External Validation of Partial Proportional Odds Risk Prediction Models for Cancer Stage at Diagnosis among Males and Females in Canada. Cancers. 15, 3545.
- Sweeney-Magee M, Gotay C, Karim ME, Telford J, & Dummer T. Patterns and determinants of adherence to colorectal cancer primary and secondary recommendations in the British Columbia Generations Project. Health Promotion Chronic Disease Prevention in Canada. 42(2):79-93.
- Zanif U., Chu J., Simkin J., Dummer T., Woods R., Belanger E., & Bhatti P. The BC Generations Project as a Tumor Tissue Resource for Cancer Research. Current Oncology (Toronto, Ont.), 29(2), 1262–1268.
- Murphy R.A., Kuczynski G., Bhatti, P., & DummerT.J.B. Dietary Intake and the Neighbourhood Environment in the BC Generations Project. Nutrients. 14(22), 4882.
- Darvishian M, Chu J, Simkin J, Woods R, & Bhatti P (2022) Agreement between self-report and administrative health data on occurrence of non-cancer chronic disease among participants of the BC generations project. Front. Epidemiol. 2:1054485.
- Qi J, Spinelli JJ, Dummer TJB, Bhatti P, Playdon MC, Levitt JO, Hauner B, Moore SC, & Murphy RA. Metabolomics and cancer preventive behaviours in the BC Generations Project. Sci Rep. 11(1):12094.
- Newell M, Ghosh S, Goruk S, Pakseresht M, Vena JE, Dummer TJB, Field CJ. A Prospective Analysis of Plasma Phospholipid Fatty Acids and Breast Cancer Risk in 2 Provinces in Canada. Curr Dev Nutr. 5(4):nzab022.
- Gu Q, Spinelli JJ, Dummer TJB, McDonald TE, Moore SC, & Murphy RA. Sci Rep. Metabolic profiling of adherence to diet, physical activity and body size recommendations for cancer prevention. 8(1):16293.
- Liu KYP, Lu XJD, Zhu YS, Le N, Kim H, Poh CF. Front Oncol. Plasma-Derived Inflammatory Proteins Predict Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma. 8:585.
- Dhalla A, McDonald TE, Gallagher RP, Spinelli JJ, Brooks-Wilson AR, Lee TK, Lai C, Borugian MJ, Woods RR, Le ND, Dummer TJB. Cohort Profile: The British Columbia Generations Project (BCGP). Int J Epidemiol.
- Dummer TJB, Awadalla P, Boileau C, Craig C, Fortier I, Goel V, Hick JMT, Jacquemont S., Knoppers BM, Le N, McDonald T, McLaughlin J, Mes-Masson AM, Nuyt AM, Palmer LJ, Parker L, Purdue M, Robson PJ, Spinelli JJ, Thompson D, Vena J, Zawati M. The Canadian Partnership for Tomorrow Project: a Pan-Canadian platform for chronic disease prevention research. CMAJ. 190(23):E710-E717.
- Drucker AM, Qureshi AA, Dummer TJB, Parker L, Li WQ. Br J Dermatol. Atopic dermatitis and risk of hypertension, type 2 diabetes, myocardial infarction and stroke in a cross-sectional analysis from the Canadian Partnership for Tomorrow Project. 177(4):1043-1051.
- O’Doherty KC, Burgess MM, Edwards K, Gallagher RP, Hawkins AK, Kaye J, McCaffrey V, Winickoff DE. From consent to institutions: designing adaptive governance for genomic biobanks. Soc Sci Med. 73(3):367-74.
- Borugian MJ, Robson P, Fortier I, Parker L, McLaughlin J, Knoppers BM, Bédard K, Gallagher RP, Sinclair S, Ferretti V, Whelan H, Hoskin D, Potter JD. The Canadian Partnership for Tomorrow Project: building a pan-Canadian research platform for disease prevention. CMAJ. 182(11):1197-201.
- Fortier I, Burton PR, Robson PJ, Ferretti V, Little J, L’Heureux F, Deschênes M, Knoppers BM, Doiron D, Keers JC, Linksted P, Harris JR, Lachance G, Boileau C, Pedersen NL, Hamilton CM, Hveem K, Borugian MJ, Gallagher RP, McLaughlin J, Parker L, Potter JD, Gallacher J, Kaaks R, Liu B, Sprosen T, Vilain A, Atkinson SA, Rengifo A, Morton R, Metspalu A, Wichmann HE, Tremblay M, Chisholm RL, Garcia-Montero A, Hillege H, Litton JE, Palmer LJ, Perola M, Wolffenbuttel BH, Peltonen L, Hudson TJ. Quality, quantity and harmony: the DataSHaPER approach to integrating data across bioclinical studies.Int J Epidemiol. 39(5):1383-93.